Links October 17, 2022

The New York Times is reporting a slight edge for Republicans this November, as voters worried about the economy. There’s a lot to unpack in this chart including the lack of a gender gap.

On the Pod Save America podcast, Obama talked about the growing defection of many Latinos and some African Americans from the Democratic Party. He said that he thought the Democrats should be building coalitions based on class, not race.

Because Ian has had special therapy for 18 years, I find linguists fascinating. Here, John McWhorter talks about Black kids who are misdiagnosed with a language-based disability, because they speak Black English.

Migrant in New York City need work. The city supports are struggling to deal with this huge need. And the border states are laughing at us.

You know I like vintage items, but I would totally redecorate Clarence House. There’s a way of living with old things without living in a time capsule from 1950. Floral porcelain lamps should be smashed! Rip out all that wall to wall carpeting! That place makes my OCD itch.

3 thoughts on “Links October 17, 2022

  1. “a slight edge for Republicans this November, as voters worried about the economy.” This is no ‘slight edge’ this is a disaster for Dems! Dems are known to be, well, cuddly and social. Result: they all pack in together to overwhelmingly Dem districts (like mine) and huge numbers of votes are wasted putting those districts’ Dem candidates over the top. Places where the balance is less uneven are going to be putting a LOT of new Reeps into office


  2. “You know I like vintage items, but I would totally redecorate Clarence House. There’s a way of living with old things without living in a time capsule from 1950. Floral porcelain lamps should be smashed! Rip out all that wall to wall carpeting! That place makes my OCD itch.”

    Difference between UK & US style, and also difference in generations.

    UK old money and ‘country’ set regard the strip it all out and re-decorate taste as very nouveau riche and rather tacky. Older people (and C&C are both well into their 70s) also tend to be more comfortable with their existing style and less willing to make radical changes – epitomized by their decision to remain at Clarence House, rather than shifting to BP.

    Wall-to-wall carpets are there to keep the place warm. Listed building. High ceilings. No air con. Minimal heating. Bloody freezing in the middle of winter.


    1. “UK old money and ‘country’ set regard the strip it all out and re-decorate taste as very nouveau riche and rather tacky.”

      Like, you bought all of your stuff at the same time? EEK!

      Note how House Beautiful houses usually look like somebody has been living there for a while, collecting stuff.


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