Back to Normal

The kids are gone. One started high school, and the other is making friends at fraternities at his new college by repairing their tap systems on the kegs. So, I’m back to work.

After I start typing up notes on two articles that have been brewing in the background, I’ll be back here. I need a couple of hours.

13 thoughts on “Back to Normal

  1. “by repairing their tap systems on the kegs”
    “articles that have been brewing”

    Pun intended?

    Work has been kicking my ass up and down the block. And tomorrow we have a 504/IEP meeting. And that all leaves no time to obsessively watch the hurricane.


  2. “One started high school, and the other is making friends at fraternities at his new college by repairing their tap systems on the kegs.”

    Oh wow.


  3. Really, does it feel back to normal? That’s what I want to hear, but I have too many poems, essays, pictures, of moms sitting sadly in their children’s rooms after they have left the nest for college, picking up their child’s last sock stuck in my head.


    1. #3 is doing her best to fill in all the empty time we thought we would have after #1 and #2 were out the door. And by the time she goes, my guess is that #1 will have bounced back to our basement. Our nest may never empty…


      1. dave s. said,

        “#3 is doing her best to fill in all the empty time we thought we would have after #1 and #2 were out the door.”

        That reminds me a lot of my #3.


    2. A kid I know sat his parents down when his older sister was leaving for college and reminded them that he would NOT fill the time that his older sister now occupied in their family life and conversations. Fortunately, he only had to be the only child for a year.


    3. If all goes well, our C will just walk to class in the morning and appear home sometime in the evening.

      That would be very, very cheap for us–but there’s the awful possibility she might never leave or get a proper job.

      In other mom news, the hair stylist who was giving Baby T a trim says that there was a catastrophic college kid head lice epidemic after spring break this year. So, not just a little kid problem!


  4. My kids asked today whether they are going to have to take pictures every day before they leave for school. I got two days, because they started on different days, but I requested a third today because my HS junior was wearing an outfit very similar to the one she wore in 3rd grade, one that is not her usual style, which is more sophisticated.

    I suggested maybe just pictures every day that it’s not raining. 🙂


    1. LOL, I was still sleeping when my high school sophomore kid went to school on Day 1. I have no sentimentality whatsoever. I do have a date to Facetime with the oldest tonight.


    2. I’m getting a lot of pushback about professional school pictures from our oldest who is over it, but I’ve told her that it’s just another 3 years.

      We have the option of having all of the kids photographed together for school pictures, which is a) affordable and b) adorable.


  5. The most humbling thing I remember from my college years? My mother telling me that it was hard adjusting during winter and spring breaks to “having you kids back in the house when we got used to having it to ourselves.” What? I’m not the center of your universe?


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