Links 672

Momma, don’t let your kids grow up to be journalists.

I thought you would be different. I said to myself, go ahead. Take a chance. Hire the smart, fat girl. I had hope. My God. I live on it.  — Name this movie. Answer.

Trying to get into running again. It hurts much more than my spin class. Ow.  I think I earn two grit points for that.

Helaine gives advice to a woman who is overwhelmed by the loans that she took out to cover her kid’s college education.

Is dieting like budgeting? Both are very gritty. Anorxia earns ten grit points, I think.

4 thoughts on “Links 672

  1. My Dad took out PLUS loans to pay for my housing/food when I was in college (most of my tuition was covered by scholarships and student loan-then-Cornell Tradition). It just occurred to me that he declared bankruptcy 5 years after I graduated. Well, my financial plan for the past 20+ years has been “What Would Dad Do? Then Do The Opposite.” The one “good” thing he did was to tell me, before I signed my student loan promissary notes, what it meant to be sure I was aware of the consequences of taking student loans.


    1. Wendy said:

      “It just occurred to me that he declared bankruptcy 5 years after I graduated.”

      Oh dear.


  2. Exposing the seamy underside of celebrity journalism? Huh? Trashy minds writing about trashy lives, and expecting anyone to care about their personal problems. Very weird.


  3. Regarding The Devil Wears Prada, I didn’t read the book, but I thought the movie was great, and my wife agreed with the linked piece, that the book was inferior. Much of the book, she said, is the writer/protagonist complaining about things like having to pick up laundry for Miranda, and Miranda is mostly portrayed as the devil in the sense of a mean, evil person. In the movie, Miranda is the devil in the sense of being the temptress, which is a much more subtle understanding of evil and the fall. Also, the movie is a story not just of temptation, but also of growth. If the protagonist finds redemption, it is the postlapsarian redemption of someone who has understood both the appeal and ambiguity of evil, and renounced it knowingly, not the innocent who simply remained in the garden.


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