In Chicago

Hi all — I’m in Chicago attending an education writers conference. Good stuff here. I’ll fill you all in on Monday.

I’m only here, because of the support of Steve and extended family. Ian had a seizure on Tuesday night. Until we figure out what’s going on and (possibly) medicate him, he can’t be left alone. So, my support system rushed in to cover the after school hours, and to help me as I adjust to the new normal.

We’ve circled the wagons and are giving our boy extra hugs and kisses.

Until I get back home, please continue chatting (and fighting) in the comment section. I’m reading all your comments on my cellphone here. Curious what you guys think about the impeachment hearings. Tell me.

10 thoughts on “In Chicago

  1. Also, Chicago-style deep dish pizza is horrible pizza, but if you think of it as a tomato-based stew served in a bread bowl, it’s fine.


  2. So sorry to hear about Ian – hope he is doing okay. Later, if you want, I can tell you about a friend’s child who treated seizures successfully in a Johns Hopkins study using the Keto diet.

    Meanwhile, go see Spamalot! We may head up there in a couple of weeks for it.

    I am reading about the impeachment periodically at work, but not watching it. Usually I avoid watching news on tv, though in this case I’d like to see some of it.


  3. I am following the impeachment by reading Alexandra Petri. Also relied on her completely for Comey’s and Anonymous’s books.

    I was fascinated by Jill Lepore’s Atlantic essay on the history of impeachment. I know less about American political history than many other commenters here, so it was an eye opening description of context.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My husband was in Chicago a few weeks ago (went to Milwaukee for Higher Ed Web; flew through Chicago and visited a friend). He had a fabulous time.

    Re impeachment: I have been following as best I can considering work is very busy. I wonder what polling is going to say over the next week. It is clear to me (at least) that Trump is a Russian asset who is being played, and there are plenty of others who are similarly compromised by their financial situations, personality defects, and/or intellectual deficiencies.


    1. Wendy said, “It is clear to me (at least) that Trump is a Russian asset who is being played, and there are plenty of others who are similarly compromised by their financial situations, personality defects, and/or intellectual deficiencies.”

      See, for example, Jeffrey Epstein’s otherwise inexplicable social life.


  5. Being away when a child is ill is difficult. I’m sure you know this, but our experience has been that neurologists are much better at diagnosing things to do with the nerves, which stands to reason.


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