New State Gov’ts, Not Trump, Will Shape Schools


Many eyes have been on Trump Tower as the president-elect and his transition team have started to select key cabinet positions. Effectively shutting down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan during these deliberations, the team is making decisions that will shape wide-ranging policies, on everything from immigration to trade, in the coming years.

For people like myself who are closely monitoring what the future will look like for schools, the locus of attention is not on Trump Tower, but on the state capitals, which have the greatest power over America’s classrooms. Like the upheaval that happened with the national election, the states had somewhat of their own shake up this November, with Republicans winning a record number of legislative spots—and a historic high for governorships—in what some have described as a “bloodbath.”

More  here.

One thought on “New State Gov’ts, Not Trump, Will Shape Schools

  1. There’s the old line ‘fifty little laboratories’ – fifty-one if you count the District – and my guess is we will have a lot of contrasting strategies tried. Without a national press from the Dept of Education towards doing similar things, we may have some better information about what can work. We may also see a lot of ideologically driven cutbacks, and this may show us what DOESN’T work.


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