Saturday on the Hudson River

At 6:00 am, I woke myself up from an anxiety dream about missing a writing deadline and losing Ian on a New York City subway. I picked up egg sandwiches at the deli and dropped Jonah off at the high school for the cross country bus at 7. I arranged three interviews for Monday and forced Steve to look at fall jackets on the computer.

With that nonsense out of the way, the day is free for fall adventures. Jonah’s race is about 60 minutes north of here along the Hudson, so we’re going to make a day of it. We’re going to check out a new walking bridge over the river and some mountain trails. Jonah’s race is at 1:00. (I hope he doesn’t puke up that egg sandwich.) Later, we’re going to celebrate Steve’s birthday at this restaurant.

There’s a lovely crispness to the air with some hints of color in the trees. There are beer and apple festivals everywhere. It’s times like this when I swear I’ll never leave the Northeast.

Pictures will happen.

16 thoughts on “Saturday on the Hudson River

  1. How did the race go? You haven’t kept us up to date on this. Is there a Michigan scholarship (like my friends’ son got) in the offing?


  2. It’s still 90 something degrees where I live. That sounds like Heaven, minus the getting up at 6a.m. with anxiety dreams part. Have fun!


  3. Where are our photos? I miss NY in the fall. Well, I miss being outside in the fall, but that’s another story.


  4. I’m working on a pretty basic article on charter schools right now. This once-per-week article thing isn’t easy. I have to figure out how to streamline this job, so I’m not working ALL the time. Of course, constantly monitoring my stats isn’t very productive. Last Thursday, I spent five hours hitting refresh refresh refresh. I really need to knock that off.

    Jonah is a fabulous runner, who doesn’t give a shit about running. I make him do it. He was winning his race on Saturday, but he got a cramp and finished 5th. He got chewed out by the coach, so he wasn’t in a pleasant mood and kinda wrecked the fun fall festive mood. Teenagers. Our deal is that he’ll do it through high school, but he doesn’t have to run in college. So, that rules out any scholarships.

    Pictures happened, but I haven’t had a chance to download the camera. There were three interviews with charter school people today and a replaced boiler. Tomorrow, there’s a final draft and a funeral. (It’s not sad. She was 102, which is fine time to check out.)


    1. Most of my friends would love it if their kid wanted to quit their sport – here usually soccer, but sometimes cross country – because of all the driving. Every weekend at least a day is taking up with driving an hour or two or three, watching a game/meet, and then driving some more. It’s especially tough on one of my friends with four teenagers – we decided that driving was like purgatory. But cross country has been great for some of the kids I know; just the right combination of competition and exercise.


  5. Coincidentally, “wrecking the fall festive mood” is my daughter’s middle name! Speaking of whom, she came home from school today talking about this: Sounds like it’s up Jonah’s alley, too.

    We have a friend from Brooklyn coming for a visit next weekend, so I assume there will be some sort of outdoor activity. I might see sunlight! (Been working hard on weekends, prepping a new course.)


  6. Nature is great. Apparently the closest real wilderness to me (defined as “place where being eaten by a bear is a sufficiently likely possibility that you are legally required to take precautions”) is in the Adirondack Mountains.


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