Eating Dinner With Art and Newspapers


I've been playing around with my old oil paint supplies and making some DIY abstract paintings. It takes a couple of days to get it right, so we had to eat dinner in the midst of my mess this week. Ian was a bit annoyed and insisted on putting a placemat over the newsprint. The rest of us liked it, because we could read while eating dinner. 

2 thoughts on “Eating Dinner With Art and Newspapers

  1. Posting randomly here because I want to tell this story: I was at a meeting of a university-wide committee today, and during a break, I checked my Twitter feed and read the news that Chinua Achebe had died, and I told the group.
    Blank stares. “Who?”
    I am so depressed. I actually happen to be teaching one of his stories on Tuesday, coincidentally.


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