The Saddest Thing I’ve Read Today

If you read a blogger for years and years, you feel like you know them. You don't really know them, of course, but there is a closeness. 

Heather Armstrong, aka Dooce, just wrote a very sad post. Her depression problems have hit a new low, and she and her husband have separated. I've very sorry, Dooce. 

14 thoughts on “The Saddest Thing I’ve Read Today

  1. Just read it too – very sad situation for anyone to be in.
    This life business is tricky and hard. I have read some of the critical comments questioning Dooce as to whether she “deserved” to be depressed, like somehow it was self indulgent or that someone outwardly successful gets a free pass.
    Not so, unfortunately. No one is immune…


  2. That is sad, though despite their affluence, they had some tough factors working against them: depression, anxiety, adult ADD, working/living together, etc. Hoping the best for them all.


  3. It has seemed to me that many friends currently getting divorced seem to end up together in the place they were working for only to find that it doesn’t work when they are actually there. A friend finally getting the second adoption to go through–Divorced, another friend finally getting back financially on their feet–separated, another friend finally moving into the neighborhood they wanted–divorced. And then BOOM all gone. It seems to me when things seem to perfect, even with “hints” something is going on…nothing is ever perfect.


  4. Speaking of blogger marital problems, the main blogger at (a very fine personal finance blog) is getting divorced, too.


  5. Can I respond with some good news? My sister, who was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in September, just got a lot of positive news that all the treatment is working as it should.


  6. “My sister, who was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in September, just got a lot of positive news that all the treatment is working as it should.”


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