Alphabet Soup: Making Sense of The Disability Support System for Adults in America

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

If your young person has a disability, even high functioning autism, they may qualify for support from the government, provided they meet certain criteria. Our disability support is an essential safety net for people who are unable to work. Unfortunately, the system is complicated, fractured, and has multiple ways of derailing even the most educated, determined parent. 

While it’s complicated, the benefits are great. It’s worth plowing through the system and sorting out the alphabet soup — SSI, DDD, DVRS, PPP, and all that. It eliminates the dependency, vulnerability, and risk of being disabled in America. It provides options in a capitalist system that will never hire neurodiverse young people. The funds are available to those who understand the system, who learn the rules and keep good records. 

I’ll try to simplify things here today:

Read more at The Great Leap