I’m Back

Hi guys. I sort of abandoned y’all for two and a half weeks, I know. We had a perfect storm of head colds, construction, and multiple deadlines. I did interviews with contractors banging away upstairs. Then my cold turned into a sinus infection from all the dust in the air. We’re living in the kid’s playroom, while the second floor of our house in uninhabitable.

The electricity is done. Tomorrow, we get insulation. Thursday is inspection. Friday is day one of sheet rock. We’re a good three weeks away from cooking in a kitchen again. In the meantime, we’re living off of frozen food, take out burgers, and mom’s charity. It will be worth it, but the misery levels have been very high lately.

I have to finish edits on one last article and then I’m taking a couple of weeks off to regroup. I have a couple of blog posts in my back pocket. Let me spit them out.

Glad to be back!

3 thoughts on “I’m Back

  1. Your article on colleges promising not to count suspensions reminds me that my cousin says he got rejected by Notre Dame because of his one-day suspension that he took instead of a five days detention (which would have fine with ND). Or that’s what he says.


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